Quantcast Vegetarian StarDeirdre Imus, Don Imus’ Wife, Got College Schooled On Veg Life

Deirdre Imus, Don Imus’ Wife, Got College Schooled On Veg Life

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 9th, 2009 in Authors, Business.

medium_imusSome say the college years are the best times of their lives. Deirdre Imus, radio talk show host Don Imus’ wife, possibly made one of the best decisions in her life in college.

While attending Villanova university, Deirdre became very interested in correlations between the environment and health. She soon learned a vegetarian diet played a huge factor.

From dotmed.com:

“Because I was involved in athletics at school, I wanted to be as fit as possible. I learned how variations in my diet could affect my performance on the track. I paid attention to the food I ate, and it was easy to extend that concept to all the things that could affect my health, and of course, that’s everything you come in contact with on a daily basis.”

“From what I learned, I became a vegetarian, and have been for about 25 years now.”

Deirdre and Don run a ranch in New Mexico designed to give the American cowboy experience to children with cancer or blood disorders or who have lost a sibling to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The menu on the ranch is strictly vegan and only natural, non-toxic cleaners are used.

Deirdre has her own name in the business world without Don as well. She is the Founder and President of  The Deirdre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology® at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, as well as the author of several bestsellng books.

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5 Responses to “Deirdre Imus, Don Imus’ Wife, Got College Schooled On Veg Life”

  1. Veg Momma Says:

    Good for her!

    It’s good for Don to have a positive side, since he’s always getting in trouble with his mouth and the media.

  2. Karl May Says:

    nappy head hos??? what does that mean to you?

  3. Renee Says:

    I just viewed Don and Dierdre’s interview with Mike Hannity. Don Imus is sincerely aware he was misguided in his statements and has spoken to the young women he had insulted on his talk show. Don Imus is a very rare person. He takes full responsibility for the inappropriateness of his remarks and does not expect that he should be treated any different because he has celebrity status.

    I respect and admire him and his wife for all they are doing for the children on his ranch. They are not doing this for publicity, They sincerely want to provide these children with positive experiences that allow these kids to be who they are without reference to their disease or background.

  4. don Says:

    watching “scarecrow” that’s what I call him shows there is a third act in life. the guy is a ff in magician. good people should get good stuff. I don’t know what she got, but maybe its coming

  5. Margarita Says:

    How can Don Imus eat the awful stuff served at Mexican restaurants and remain true to Deidre’s diet?