Quantcast Vegetarian StarKristen Bell Doesn’t Flex Mussels With Friends

Kristen Bell Doesn’t Flex Mussels With Friends

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 12th, 2009 in Actresses.

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We already know that Kristen Bell doesn’t mind sharing company with omnivores. She doesn’t even mind sharing her crockpot with their food.

So it’s no surprise that she was seen out and about with friends at a seafood restaurant in New York, Flex Mussels.

Her friends ate way too much sea kitten, but Kristen helped herself to a helping a Flex fries.

Everyone in the group got to enjoy the same dessert-homemade donuts to go.

Wonder if Kristen thought about speaking up and going to a different restaurant with more vegetarian options? Looks like she got caught in a Patrick Stump steakhouse situation.

Or she could just love those Flex Fries.

Source: In Touch Weekly

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