Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Bittman Explains Why Food Matters To Stephen Colbert

Mark Bittman Explains Why Food Matters To Stephen Colbert

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 10th, 2009 in Authors, Videos.

The self-proclaimed “lessmeatarian” food writer Mark Bittman recently appeared on the Stephen Colbert show to discuss his latest book, Food Matters: A Guide To Conscious Eating.

Although Bittman is not a complete vegetarian, he has drastically cut back on meat in the past years and is advocating more people do the same, for the sake of their health and the planet’s.

Taking a cue from Bittman’s book title, Colbert’s ever so sarcastic persona jumps in immediately and he mentions that he likes to eat food that was once conscious. Hahaaaa, Colbert.

Bittman says he is a vegan until 6pm, and thinks everyone should think harder about the portions of meat and processed foods they’re eating, versus the amounts of plant based foods they should be eating.

Vocab lesson from Colbert: Industrialized Livestock=robot cow (factory raised meat).

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