Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Vegetarian Elite” Daryl Hannah Found Bonuses To Meatless Diet

Harry Benson Retrospective Hosted By Architectural Digest

Who doesn’t love a little Daryl Hannah?

Vegetarian, eco-friendly, and cute all in the same package, this actress was recently profiled by Supreme Master TV as one of their “Vegetarian Elite.”

Daryl made the decision to go vegetarian at only 11 years of age because she couldn’t stand to bite into animal flesh, but soon found benefits beyond her personal taste. As an environmentalist, her lifestyle made a bigger impact on the planet than she realized.

“I became a vegetarian at 11 years of age because I could no longer associate the food I was eating from the creature it had been,” she said. “And I just couldn’t gnaw on the flesh of creatures anymore. It grossed me out. The health and environmental benefits turned out to be a bonus. Often I find when I do something from a purely compassionate place, aspects I never considered seem to benefit as well, illustrating how we are truly connected to all life.”

Watch the video to learn how Daryl played on the boys’ soccer team in school, because there wasn’t one for girls!


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2 Responses to ““Vegetarian Elite” Daryl Hannah Found Bonuses To Meatless Diet”

  1. chris Says:

    it is her genuineness that impacts
    when my own genuineness lacks
    she surfs me forward
    ever higher
    she is life’s gift to us all

    she teaches me
    that is not easy
    like most of us
    i am slow
    she is life’s gift to us all

    she is life’s gift to us all
    she is life’s gift to us all
    she is life’s gift to us all

  2. The Green Quote: Daryl Hannah Won’t Gnaw On Flesh Of Creatures // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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