Quantcast Vegetarian StarSteve Jobs, Champ Bennett Help iPhone Users VegOut

Steve Jobs, Champ Bennett Help iPhone Users VegOut

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 23rd, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants, Tech.



Navigating your way through a city you’ve never visited is bad enough without having to worry about finding a restaurant that serves good vegetarian grub!

That has changed. iPhone users can now locate veg restaurants with the VegOut application, which pulls restaurant information based on city and state.

The application was created by Brooklyn musician and free-lance software developer Champ Bennett, who personally asked Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who’s been known to waver from being a vegan to vegetarian to pescetarian, for his opinion on the application. He did get some response from Mr. Jobs.

“I couldn’t think of a better candidate to beta test the app”, Bennett said, according to a press release received via email by the blogger of Vegtalk.

“I wrote to him, and days later he actually wrote back asking when he could try it out! I responded asking for his UUID so I could build him a beta application that he could run on his iPhone. The next day he announced his hiatus from Apple and I never heard back again. Oh, well.”

The idea came to him after having a hard time finding a good place to eat while touring in Europe in mid-2008.

As of today, version 1.1 of the app is on Apple’s AppStore or click on this link to go straight to the application. For now, VegOut will only locate vegetarian and vegan restaurants, but there are plans in the future to add a function allowing users to download recipes.

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6 Responses to “Steve Jobs, Champ Bennett Help iPhone Users VegOut”

  1. Michael Kambourian Says:

    One of the most briliant and talented musicians I have ever heard waisting his life in the byte mines. Great Idea… Get back to the music… You rock

  2. Elay Jones Says:

    With Veggie Passport you can forget the tongue-twisting experience of communicating your vegetarian or vegan needs to waiters, dinner hosts, and friends while you’re overseas. Express your veggie lifestyle in 33 languages

  3. Matthew Fazzi Of Taking Back Sunday Needs VegOut iPhone App Says:

    […] course, if Fazzi has an iphone (and like, OMG, who doesn’t?), he could install the VegOut application that lets you search for vegetarian and vegan restaurants and stores in any city or […]

  4. iPhone Apps For Vegetarians Says:

    […] already been informed about the VegOut app, which locates vegetarian friendly restaurants in any given […]

  5. Steve Jobs–Person Of The Week–World News With Diane Sawyer Says:

    […] all go out and buy the VegOut iphone application, a tool to locate vegetarian restaurants, and celebrate the great combination of technology and […]

  6. Paul McCartney “Meat Free Monday” Campaign Goes Mobile Tech Says:

    […] got your meatless education from McCartney on one application, and the VegOut application which tells you where to find the restaurant that serves lentil […]