Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Chrissie Hynde Wants Malls, McDonald’s Destroyed

The MOJO Honours List

“There were no vegetarian restaurants in Akron. Plus, I wanted to do something to help destroy the mall culture of downtown.”
—-Chrissie Hynde, singer and musician of The Pretenders, on why she opened a vegan restaurant, The Vegiterranean, in her hometown of Akron, Ohio.

Guess Chrissie got tired of looking at all the corporate fast food chain restaurants that lined the streets of Akron. But hey, Chrissie, not all malls are bad. Some have veg offering Subway Restaurants, for instance.

Hynde recently made news after she participated in a protest against McDonald’s as part of the McCruelty campaign launched against the company due to how it treats its chickens before and during slaughter.

She has said she would like to remain on earth until all McDonald’s have burned to the ground.

She’ll have to work a little harder if she’s trying to demolish the malls at the same time.

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