Quantcast Vegetarian StarUPS: What Can Brown Do For Lobsters? Nothing.

UPS: What Can Brown Do For Lobsters? Nothing.

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 19th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Business.

UPS Drivers And Union Leaders Protest Excessive Overtime

Not long ago, PETA saved a 120 year old lobster from becoming dinner in a restaurant. The group plans to return it to the sea. However, there have been problems booking his transportation.

The original plan was to ship the lobster from New York to New Hampshire via UPS. However, when the UPS driver arrived to pick up “Craig the Crustacean”, it was revealed the driver could not guarantee a safe ride for him because other boxes could be placed on top of him.

In the words of Stephanie Tanner from Full House, “How rude!”

Imagine living 120 years of life and barely missing the boiling hot water tank, on your way to freedom, only to be squashed by parcels of grandma’s stale cookies and sweaters and underwear mom sent Jack to his college dorm.

Craig’s not going out like that.

“The UPS man wasn’t compassionate at all,” said Ng, owner of the Japanese restaurant at which Craig is currently lodging. “I just thought, there’s no way we can leave him with this guy. We can’t trust him. It’s horrible.”

A volunteer is expected to transport Craig this Friday.

Source: The Brooklyn Paper

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