Quantcast Vegetarian StarChris Evans Says Being Pushed Into Tofu Turned Him Green

Chris Evans Says Being Pushed Into Tofu Turned Him Green

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 15th, 2009 in Actors, Not So Vegetarian.

Premiere of Summit Entertainment's

Poor, poor, pitiful Chris Evans.

The actor who is currently staring in Push (the same movie where the vegetarian director wanted to blow up fishes) says he became vegetarian on the advice of his ex-girlfriend (then current, of course) and it turned him the color of veggies-green.

“I was just getting even thinner than I am now,” Evans said.

“I had a hard time putting on weight, and some of my friends said I was getting green. I’m incredibly pale anyway. I don’t know what was missing, but they all said I had a greenish hue.”

“Finally, I was, like, ‘Hamburger, please.’ ”

Maybe if he had said, “nutritionist, please,” he wouldn’t have won an Academy Award for best actor as Kermit the frog.

Many people who experience negative effects from going vegetarian do so because they aren’t eating enough or eating properly. It takes more than three grilled cheese sandwiches a day, Chris. Evans didn’t mention what he ate during his stint.

The actor has also had roles in Not Another Teen Movie, Cellular, Street Kings, Human Torch, and Fantastic Four films.

Source: Jam Showbiz

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3 Responses to “Chris Evans Says Being Pushed Into Tofu Turned Him Green”

  1. Chris Evans Claims Going VEG Turned His Skin Green // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] what? Something tells me this guy was not eating a balanced diet. Said the Vegetarian Star, “Many people who experience negative effects from going vegetarian do so because they […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Ron White Thinks Eating Cows Will Help The Environment Says:

    […] At least he didn’t call us green. […]

  3. me Says:

    Yeah, vegetarians are always pale….I’ve noticed that…