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Gossip Girl Dreama Walker Doing 30 Days Of Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 13th, 2009 in Actresses.

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Serena and Blair may jokingly put down vegetarian food, but Gossip Girl Dreama Walker, who plays Hazel Williams on the show, is now worshiping seitan.

Walker has embarked on a 30 day vegan adventure, motivated partly by her watching the Joaquin Phoenix narrated documentary Earthlings.

So far, Dreama’s enjoying it and says she will probably continue, but does what to experiment to see how her body will react to eating dairy again.

Sounds like Dreama should also pay Rob Sedgwick a visit. She absolutely loves vegan ice cream!

“Its uncanny how much the soy ice cream tastes like real ice cream!!” she exclaimed during her interview with Ecorazzi.

“But, I’m really fascinated by the Tofurky Italian Sausages, and genuinely look forward to my chocolate soy protein shake with rice milk each morning!”

Dreama is taking the vegan thing all the way, giving up her Ugg boots (which are made of sheepskin) and becoming well read on being a Skinny Bitch, the famous vegan diet book by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin.

To read the entire interview with Dreama, visit Ecorazzi.com.

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One Response to “Gossip Girl Dreama Walker Doing 30 Days Of Vegan”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Gossip Girl Dreama Walker, Moby Rub Elbows With Vegan Docs Says:

    […] you recall, the Gossip Girl actress embarked on a 30-day vegan diet after watching the Joaquin Phoenix narrated documentary, Earthlings. She had said then she probably […]