Quantcast Vegetarian StarJaneane Garofalo Doing Komedy For Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

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Janeane Garofolo may be known as a funny gal, but mistreatment of animals on farms isn’t, so she’s helping to raise money for Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, an organization designed to help them.

On Wednesday, February 11th, Garofolo will perform at the second annual Komedy for Karma at the Gotham Comedy Club on West 23rd Street in New York city.

Joining her for the night on stage will be Gary Gulman, Judy Gold, Ben Bailey, Judah Friedlander, and Dan Piraro.

Tickets are $50 for general admission, $60 at the door day of show, and $100 for VIP reserved seats. Money from the show goes toward Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary to help cover the high costs of caring for their animals during the cold winter months.

Sure, the ticket prices may be more than a movie and popcorn, but think of how good you’ll feel after a giving to a cause that’s near and dear to most of us who believe being a vegetarian doesn’t stop at your fork and plate.

And when you think about it, the night is really a giveaway! Six performers for $50?! And no nasty ticket company surcharges equaling to half the price of the original ticket. Plus, some of the ticket price is tax-deductible.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary.

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One Response to “Janeane Garofalo Doing Komedy For Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Janeane Garofalo Bacon Vegetarian Says:

    […] along with several other celebrities performed at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary’s Komedy for Karma last night and she took the time to talk to green gossip website […]