Quantcast Vegetarian StarGinnifer Goodwin Is Just That Into Being Vegan: Big Love To Her!

Ginnifer Goodwin Is Just That Into Being Vegan: Big Love To Her!

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 6th, 2009 in Actresses.

He's Just Not That Into You Los Angeles Premiere

We told you earlier that Ginnifer Goodwin was spotted picking up a take-out at Vegan Glory restaurant. Now it is confirmed, and unless you watched Conan O’Brien last night, this could be one of the first places you heard it from.

Ginnifer Goodwin is vegan!

The actress who’s new movie, He’s Just Not That Into You, premiers today, appeared on Conan O’Brien last night where she expressed how much she loved being a vegan.

“It’s amazing,” she said of her recent decision. “I don’t need drugs. There’s a party in my body. Every thing’s working appropriately.” She also suggests that if Conan were vegan, they could have parties in their bodies together.

Funny, as Conan brought it up, he said he wanted to touch an area of her personal life that was less sexy (than her role in HBO’s Big Love). Has he watched the Veggie Love video yet?

He jokingly gives her grief when she mentions different types of vegan cheese, asking her if they could make cheese out of anything, including microphones.

You can watch the episode of Conan and Goodwin, with Ginnifer’s appearance starting around minute 28.

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2 Responses to “Ginnifer Goodwin Is Just That Into Being Vegan: Big Love To Her!”

  1. Dan Says:

    Yea, she’s related to JP Goodwin, or John Goodwin, from HSUS. He’s a long time vegan too. I don’t know if it runs in the family or what.

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Meatless Mouthful: Ginnifer Goodwin’s Vegan Cravings, Obsessions Says:

    […] shared with InStyle Magazine. The He’s Just Not That Into You and Big Love actress told late night talk show host Conan O’Brien that being a vegan was like a “party in her body” […]