Quantcast Vegetarian StarRob Sedgwick Running Vegan Ice Cream Shop In New York

Rob Sedgwick Running Vegan Ice Cream Shop In New York

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 29th, 2009 in Actors, Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Kyra Sedgwick & Kevin Bacon Visit Stogo Ice Cream Shop

Rob Sedgwick (“Law and Order”, “30 Rock”), actor and brother to actress Kyra Sedgwick, has opened a vegan ice cream parlor, Stogo, in New York City with business partner Steve Horn.

Sedgwick is not a vegan. He’s not even a vegetarian and The New York Observer describes him as a “steak ’n’ eggs, cholesterol-till-you-die man.”

Still, he recognizes the popularity of non dairy products.

“It’s a great product,” he said. “There’s nothing out there like it and we’re already doing really well.”

Sis Kyra is quite happy for her brother, as she was reported to have said, “When Rob first told me about it, I thought it was a fantastic idea. My friend is vegan, and I know that vegan is quite the thing these days.” She also added that if someone had told her five years ago that Rob would open a vegan ice cream shop, she would have told them they were ” totally insane.”

Some have criticized non vegetarians for taking advantage of the market and going into the business purely to make a profit. But on the other hand, the fact that these non vegs want to do a vegan business says a lot in the world where the dollar bill rules. Vegans and vegetarians make up a strong niche market that doesn’t show signs of weakening.

And it will never hurt Rob to gobble down some of his product every now and then to offset his steak and eggs footprint.

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2 Responses to “Rob Sedgwick Running Vegan Ice Cream Shop In New York”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Rob Sedgwick Talks Stogo To Vegetarian Star Says:

    […] we found out actor and brother of Kyra Sedgwick, Rob Sedgwick had co-founded a vegan ice cream parlor in New York, we got on the phone pronto begging for his attention. Actually, we didn’t have to beg, as he […]

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