Quantcast Vegetarian Star1 in 200 Kids Vegetarian: Celebrity Tots Included

1 in 200 Kids Vegetarian: Celebrity Tots Included

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 26th, 2009 in Female Singers, Models, Research + Science.

Heather Mills donates one million dollars in food to up the nutritional standards of the children in Hunts Point in the Bronx

A recent study has estimated that 1 in 200 children are vegetarians. The kid who brings the tofu sandwich that no one wants to trade with is getting company and there’s a good chance he’ll have someone to swap for seitan at school.

There are many children of celebrities who have made news because of their diet, or perhaps more so because of their parents strongly insisting on their vegetarian diet.

Heather Mills made headlines last year when she reportedly gave an eight page letter of requirements for her daughter Bea’s food regime while vacationing with ex Paul McCartney.

Mills’ strong spirit to instill the veg lifestyle in her own child has been extended to her helping other children, donating time and money to impoverished kids and their families, helping them access and learn to cook meatless dishes.

Madonna put it in writing as well, but legally, when she required ex husband Guy to only serve the children organic, macrobiotic vegan food.

With news such as the U.S. Government’s estimate and high profile celebrities making their children’s diet public, more parents may consider sending more carrots and yogurt to school with their child, versus a Lunchable and fruit roll ups.

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