Quantcast Vegetarian StarKellie Pickler Is One Skinny Bitch

Kellie Pickler Is One Skinny Bitch

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 23rd, 2009 in Female Singers.

The 42nd Annual CMA Awards - Show

We already know she’s a Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Fake Fur Girl, but “Don’t You Know” Kellie Pickler’s a Skinny Bitch as well.

The country music star and former American Idol contestant told That’s Fit she packed on almost 30 pounds in less than a year after going on tour with American Idol.

“We were always eating fast food on the road and having late night munchies,” she said. “I gained 28 pounds in less than a year!”

Kellie said she had to learn to “eat right,” and she did so by reading vegan authors Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman’s Skinny Bitch, a book about the vegan diet and lifestyle.

“I appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show and we chatted about it. She told me about the book Skinny Bitch which was both really enjoyable to read and easy to understand.”

Kellie realizes the importance of following the skinny bitch diet as well: health. Although she lost her unhealthy excess fat, she realizes no diet will create a one size fits all body. She still has and loves her curves.

“I love my curves. No matter how thin I get, I always have my curves.”

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