Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegetarian La Toya Jackson Needs Her Salmon On Celebrity Big Brother

Celebrity Big Brother contestants

Many of us are pinching pennies in the recession and the contestants of Celebrity Big Brother 6  are no exception.

The group, which includes notables like La Toya Jackson and Verne Troyer, were recently faced with buying groceries on a reduced budget and were arguing over what foods should be put on the shopping list.

Ulrika Jonsson suggested talking La Toya into compromising and eating some tuna and salmon because it’s cheaper.

Troyer protests that La Toya isn’t trying to be difficult in her eating choices, but that she’s vegetarian and they shouldn’t force her to eat meat.

Apparently, she’s been doing it anyway.

Jonsson later told other house mates that “Verne was so quick to stand up for La Toya and make the point that she is a vegetarian, has a strict diet and needs her salmon,” she said.

“But, well, vegetarians aren’t supposed to eat fish in the first place, and La Toya even ate turkey mince yesterday.”

You’d think that La Toya could have the rules bent and bring in her own food in order to stick with her diet.

But as we learned with the Amazing Race, Reality TV ain’t always pretty to those who aren’t omnivores.

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One Response to “Vegetarian La Toya Jackson Needs Her Salmon On Celebrity Big Brother”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Eric Nies Confessed To Fasting For 40 Days Says:

    […] We’ve seen what can happen on reality TV when a vegetarian or vegan contestant can’t get the food they need for their diet. […]