Quantcast Vegetarian StarMissy Higgins Thanks Obama To The Tune Of “Steer”

The Sierra Club has put together a video of various eco-aware celebrities thanking very, very soon to be President Obama for his work and to remind him of what more needs to be accomplished, like clean energy, green jobs and green transportation.

The beautiful voice of vegan Missy Higgins can be heard in the background singing her hit tune, Steer, so appropriate given he will be the main man behind the wheel of the U.S. for the next four years.

Missy personally reminds Obama to build a greener economy and speaks for everyone when she adds she wants to help him “stabilize the climate and to protect the people and the natural wonders we all love.”

Watch for Missy’s appearances as well as cameos by Pierce Brosnan, Jillian Michaels,  Jason Silva, and Gossip Girl Tamara Feldman to name a few.

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3 Responses to “Missy Higgins Thanks Obama To The Tune Of “Steer””

  1. Corrine Says:

    I loveeeeee this song by Missy Higgins! Keep coming to America Missy – we love you here! And, I’d like to thank Obama too . . . Thank you, thank you, thank you! It’s so appropriate for this incoming administration and the new attitude wave here in the States.

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