Quantcast Vegetarian StarYou Be The Star In A Chrissie Hynde Video

You Be The Star In A Chrissie Hynde Video

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 10th, 2009 in Female Musicians, Female Singers, Videos.

Show At UK Music Hall Of Fame 2005

For all you gamers who think Rockband is your prized possession, here’s a contest you’ll wanna sign up for.

Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders are offering a chance for one lucky winner who also happens to be an animal lover to star in a music video lip syncing “Boot of Chinese Plastic,” the official fan video that will appear on YouTube, Pretenders, Apple Quick-Time, and PETA websites.

The contest is Chrissie’s way of both promoting her new song and standing up for her beliefs about how animals shouldn’t be used for fashion purposes.

The simple requirement is that you make a YouTube video of yourself singing the song (lyrics right here) and make sure you show your “plastic boots” sometime while on camera.

Runners up will at least appear on The Pretenders website and receive a limited edition vinyl of the latest album, Break Up The Concrete.

If you ever wanted to audition for American Idol, but didn’t have the guts to do it in person, here’s your second chance to do your thing in the comfort of your own home. Not to mention no evil Simon commenting on your performance.

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