Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnne Hathaway Similar To Her Princess Diaries Book Character

Anne Hathaway Similar To Her Princess Diaries Book Character

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 7th, 2009 in Actresses, Authors.

The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement Film Premiere

Meg Cabot created the novel series “The Princess Diaries,” from which Disney snatched up and made two hit movies. She recently announced she’s retiring the “Diaries,” and has written the last book of the set. 

When turning books into movies, there’s bound to be discrepancies between the movie and the book, especially when it comes to portraying the characters.

Cabot’s books told a story very similar to the movie: an awkward girl named Mia who suddenly had to deal with the life of royalty, boy troubles, and a highly opinionated best friend named Lilly Moscovitz.

However, Mia from the novel series was a vegetarian who had “slips,” occasionally. Although she’s an animal rights activist who’s passionate about the environment, in the 9th book she becomes disillusioned, stops caring, and starts chomping (on meat).

Ironically, you could say that Anne Hathaway, who portrayed Mia in the movie, also had vegetarian “slips,” here and there, going from vegetarian to eating meat to almost vegan.

via Baltimore Sun

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