Quantcast Vegetarian StarWorst Veggie Stories Of 2008

Worst Veggie Stories Of 2008

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 31st, 2008 in Chefs, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Politicians, Reality TV.

If Newton’s 3rd Law applies to news, then if we bring you the Best Of Veggie 2008, ultimately, we have to discuss the worst. And they’re really bad. But in order of fairness, here goes…

#5: Andre 3000 Is Cheap-After bending over backwards to get him a vegan meal prepared, Andre’s waiter didn’t even get tipped! The carnis already say we’re weird and demanding. Now they’re gonna call us cheap. Thanks Andre.

#4:Amazing Race Sheep Butt Eating Incident-Vegetarian Terence Gerchberg was athletic, smart, and a promising part of the duo Terence and Sarah on Amazing Race this past season. So sad that he got taken out by sheep ass.

#3: Paula Deen’s Ham Delivery-25,000 pounds of pork nastiness delivered in the name of charity. At least we got Heather Mills donating veggie burgers to balance off this Karma.

#2: Gordon Ramsay Vegetarian Children Nightmare-The celebrity chef said his worst fear is one of his children coming home and telling him he or she is a vegetarian. In fact, this would cause Ramsay so much distress, he said he would promptly put them on a fence and electrocute them. Nice.

#1: Sarah Palin Thanksgiving Turkey Slaughter-Palin gave the meaning of “know where your food is coming from” a whole different twist as she did an interview with turkeys getting killed just over her shoulder. Wonder how many converted (to vegetarianism) after seeing this, uh, miracle?

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