Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons: Spirituality Drives Diet And Business

Russell Simmons: Spirituality Drives Diet And Business

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 24th, 2008 in Authors, Business.

2nd Annual Sunflower Children Texas Hold'em

Every morning Russell Simmons lights a candle and sits still for 30 minutes as part of his daily meditation routine. That’s only a dream for those of us who don’t know the meaning of “time out.” Luckily, for him, he’s learned that spiritual business is equally important as the financial.

His spiritual practices are what led him to the vegan diet and lifestyle he’s maintained for almost a decade.

“My motivation for eliminating animal products from my diet was [the Hindu and Buddhist practice] ahimsa, or non-violence,” he told Tracey Pepper, free-lance writer for Vegetarian Times. “If you really want to live a happy life, cut the animal products from your diet.” Simmons is featured in the January 2009 issue of the magazine.

As the co-founder of Def Jam Recordings, the parent recording company to famous hip-hop acts such as Nas and LL Cool J for you old school folks, creator of his own clothing line, Phat Farm, and the author of a best selling motivational book, Do You! 12 Laws To Access the Power in You to Achieve Happiness and Success, he’s certainly reaped large financial rewards, even if he hasn’t been doing it all for the money.

“I never chase money. I used to think that money was part of the reward, but they can’t pay you enough to make you feel good about something you don’t really enjoy. I’ve found that the more I enjoy giving something that’s lasting and promoting happiness, the more lasting happiness I have. It’s always evolving and there’s always going to be some amount of suffering, but I’ve found my business through giving what I think it good.”

Read the rest of Russell’s interview with Vegetarian Times in the January ’09 issue on the stands now to learn what direction he’d like to see hip-hop take in the future.

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