Quantcast Vegetarian StarObama Move Over: Leona Lewis Shares Person Of The Year

Obama Move Over: Leona Lewis Shares Person Of The Year

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 18th, 2008 in Female Musicians, Female Singers.

2008 American Music Awards - Press Room

Time magazine has declared 44th President elect Barack Obama as its 2008 Person of the Year. With the impact he’s made on election history, he’s probably deserving of it.

However, singer and “X Factor” winner Leona Lewis, has taken the crown in another, perhaps less known, person of the year contest held by the UK division of People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

“Leona Lewis is admired for her beautiful voice, but it’s her kindness to animals that makes her a superstar in our book,” said PETA Europe Director Robbie LeBlanc.

Leona, a strict vegetarian since she was 12 years old, refuses to even wear animal products, such as fur and leather shoes. She’s so passionate about this, she’s talking with various suppliers to design her own line of vegan shoes and bags.

She made quite a statement earlier this year, turning down over a million dollars by refusing to sing at a Harrod’s department store seasonal sale opening because the store sold fur products.

The “Bleeding Love,” star is joining the hall of fame with other vegetarian celebrities, including last year’s winner,  fashion designer Stella McCartney, the daughter of ex-Beatles Paul McCartney.

Congratulations, Leona! We look forward to learning how you’ll be leading vegetarians in the upcoming year.


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