Quantcast Vegetarian StarGet The Jorja Fox Purse To Carry All Your Investigative Supplies

Get The Jorja Fox Purse To Carry All Your Investigative Supplies

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 18th, 2008 in Actresses, Fashion.

397px-jorjafoxvegad When you think of Jorja Fox, who played Sara Sidle on the CBS series “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”, you think of her character as getting down and dirty: digging through dumpsters for evidence, feeling her way through a body cavity for a bullet, chalking down a crime scene.

She didn’t wear heels and a skirt for those scenes and most definitely wasn’t carrying a purse. But Matt & Nat, designer of vegan purses, know Jorja’s fans still like to get feminine without the leather, so they designed a series of purses named after her and come out with different designs every season. 1
Matt & Nat 

Jorja is a vegetarian who has advocated the diet and lifestyle in order to help the environment.

The latest Jorja style, a vegan leather handbag, shown here, contains 100% recycled faux suede lining with interior pockets to put your cell phone or PDA in. Which you’ll need, of course, if out on the town and your boss calls you in to examine a skull found behind the restaurant you ate at last week.

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2 Responses to “Get The Jorja Fox Purse To Carry All Your Investigative Supplies”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Ellen DeGeneres Gave Vegan Matt & Nat Bags To Audience Says:

    […] Vegan talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres, celebrated the holidays this year by featuring a segment on her show called “12 Days of Giveaways,” where she gave the audience several presents such as a Blu-Ray disc player, espresso machines, and a vegan bag from Matt & Nat, the company with bags named after vegetarian actress Jorja Fox. […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Matt & Nat Handbag Tops W Mag’s Top Vegan Accessories Says:

    […] The Matt & Nat handbags like the one shown here are a favorite of Ellen DeGeneres and that darn veggie diva Jorja Fox even has several bags named after her! […]