Quantcast Vegetarian StarWho Would You: Joan Jett Or Chrissie Hynde

Ah, the female vegan rocker edition!

They both love vegan food and rock and roll. Granted, Chrissie has an advantage, since she can have her chefs whip up something gourmet and vegan at her restaurant and all. So who would you…

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2 Responses to “Who Would You: Joan Jett Or Chrissie Hynde”

  1. Richard Says:

    100% Chrissie every time..No competition at all.

  2. mick Says:

    oh boy..i love joan, but they are not in the same class. Chrissie is a bonafide songwriter who ranks with the best over a paltry 9 cds. Name another person who has kept a career alive with a sparse output….i was just listening to “show me”, “tattooed love boys”, “may this be love”, “loves a mystery”. “don’t cut your hair”, “complex Person”, “talk of the town” and “english roses”…she is a brilliant songwriter!