Quantcast Vegetarian StarClint Eastwood Has Vegan WTF Moment

Clint Eastwood Has Vegan WTF Moment

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 13th, 2008 in Actors, Not So Vegetarian.

The 2008 Kennedy Center Honors in Washington DC

Clint Eastwood has appeared on one of PETA’s Go Veg brochures with the quote attributed to him, “I try to stick to a vegan diet heavy on fruit, vegetables, tofu, and other soy products.”

Um…no, not really. In a recent interview with the New York Times, he stated he is not and has never been a vegan and looked rather disturbed when he was told what a vegan was, as if being a vegan was equivalent to castration.

“I never look at the Internet for just that reason,” he said.

Understandable. If you’re a celebrity it may be painful to read some of the stuff written about you. Just imagine what would have happened if Clint read his was a raw foodist!

The rumor that Eastwood is a vegan has shown up in a lot of places, including Wikipedia and other vegetarian and vegan sites.

But don’t let this tarnish your visions that there aren’t tons of vegan celebs out there, including the macho manly ones like Eastwood.

Ultimate fighter Mac Danzig can still kick carnivore butt. And since his girlfriend does a lot of cooking for him, it’s safe to say he’s far from being castrated.

Hot Tip: Vegpage

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5 Responses to “Clint Eastwood Has Vegan WTF Moment”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Pauly Shore Not Vegetarian, But Whole Ribs Too Hardcore Says:

    […] we learned that Clint Eastwood is not only NOT a vegan, but had to have the definition of one explained to him, which resulted in a look of horror […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Meatless Mouthful: Clint Eastwood No Vegetarian Either. Got It? Says:

    […] on the rumors circulating the Internet that he is a vegan and/or vegetarian. We recently learned he practically fainted after learning of the rumor that he was a vegan. Apparently, he wants to make sure you know […]

  3. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Jennie Garth And Peter Facinelli Kids Like Tofu Says:

    […] Jennie Garth has an urban legend surrounding her much like Clint Eastwood did on his veganess. […]

  4. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Amy Smart Says No To Meat. Or Does She? Says:

    […] by saying not every celeb in the slideshow may be 100% meatless.The same Internet sources that said Clint Eastwood was a vegan (cough, cough rhymes with Tickimedia, say Amy is a former vegetarian. And Access Hollywood still […]

  5. Liz Says:

    It seems Clint’s not a vegan… but it the idea that he had no clue what a vegan is seems to be a bit of a lie as well…”I take vitamins daily, but just the bare essentials—not what you’d call supplements. I try to stick to a vegan diet—heavy on fruit, vegetables, tofu, and other soy products. Sometimes, when I feel like it, I eat chicken, fish, or turkey, but no red meat, cheese, or fried foods. When I want a bite of something ‘bad,’ I’ll steal something from my wife’s plate.” The comparison of veganism to castration is an embellishment from the NYT article, which stated that he looked “slightly aghast” when given the reporter’s definition of veganism.