Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegetarian Vampire Christian Serratos Wears Glasses On And Off Screen

Vegetarian Vampire Christian Serratos Wears Glasses On And Off Screen

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 24th, 2008 in Actresses, Videos.

Premiere Of Summit Entertainment's

Vegetarian Vampires have taken over! The film, Twilight, based on the novel series by Stephenie Meyer, took a bite of $70.5 million at the box office during it’s opening weekend.

It features a group of vampires, known as the “vegetarian vampires,” because they don’t eat humans. However, they still eat animals in the forest, so sounds like they have some identity issues.

One of the vegetarian, but not really vampires, Angela Weber, played by Christian Serratos spoke to Peta2.org about her thoughts on dissection, fur, and animal testing in cosmetics. Since Serratos wears glasses, the film’s producers decided to write this into her character.

After watching the video, don’t forget to enter to win the entire Twilight book series as well as a pair of tickets to watch the vegetarian vampires at a theatre near you.

Learn more about Twilight at peta2.com

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3 Responses to “Vegetarian Vampire Christian Serratos Wears Glasses On And Off Screen”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Vegan Moby Plays Secretary Of Steak In Vampire Film “Suck” Says:

    […] Vegetarian vampires are the happening thing these days, and one vegan vampire wants to get his 15 minutes of blood sucking fame before the fad ends. […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Robert Pattinson: Being A Vegetarian Vampire Hard On The Eyes Says:

    […] vegetarian vampires of the Twilight saga are like vegetarian humans who call themselves vegetarian but say they eat chicken. […]

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