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Erykah Badu Has Record Deal, Can Shop At Whole Foods

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 4th, 2008 in Female Musicians, Female Singers.

Going To Whole Foods to shop for groceries this weekend? Then ya better call Tyrone for some serious money!

Erykah Badu, soulful singer, vegan, and ex romantic partner of cheapskate Andre 3000 Benjamin spoke with VegNews Magazine about the notion that being a vegan is only for upper middle class, white, individuals.

She admitted that people who are poor may have a harder time being as ethical when it comes to choosing food-they’re just looking to fill up the plate in the cheapest way possible. And worrying about rent or mortgage and buying uniforms for the kids can make shopping healthy a challenge.

“I mean, you almost have to have a record deal to shop at Whole Foods!” said Badu, referring the high costs of food.

Sadly, this may be the case with many living in poverty in the U.S. and other parts of the world. This was why Heather Mills wanted to bring the privilege of healthy vegan food to disadvantaged children.

But not every food bank has Heather’s donations and many are still eating sodium laden Ramen noodles and other meaty “junk.”

As one of the richest countries in the nation, how can we do more to give everybody access to Amy’s? Some co-opts offer discounts when customers pay with Food Stamps because they realize these people are struggling more to get by.

Do you guys know of other ways people are helping the less fortunate eat well (and vegetarian or vegan)? Any Nobel winning ideas for making vegan chow universal, regardless of how fat the wallet is?

via Veg News
Photo: dnevill on Flickr

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3 Responses to “Erykah Badu Has Record Deal, Can Shop At Whole Foods”

  1. Lynn Says:

    Don’t really have any ideas but it’s cool that that co-opt does that. Everyone should have access to decent food.

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