Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Wilde’s Pescetarian Footprint: Can Paltrow’s Pancakes Reduce It?

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Olivia Wilde plays a neurotic self-diagnosing doctor with a terminal brain tumor on Fox’s House who describes herself as a “sort-of vegetarian who eats fish.”

Not eating any other non-plant item but fish is better than downing Big Macs every day. But with the fish population dwindling and the impact that could have on ocean life, we’d like to see Wilde work harder to be a little more eco-friendly. And we think we have the answer: Eat Gwyneth Paltrow’s vegan pancakes.

No, this won’t restore the sardines she munches on while watching episodes of herself and Lisa Edelstein on widescreen, but at least she’d be reducing her dairy intake. And she can down a lot of pancakes to offset her “print.”

Wilde once won a contest for eating 33 pancakes in 20 minutes! She entered the contest just to prove she could eat as much as the macho men who doubted her gluttonous talents.

Maybe it’s the spirit of competition and a gauntlet thrown down that drives her into action.

Oh, Olivia, can you hear us? We don’t think you can stop eating fish. Not hardcore enough to do it…

via Celebgossipz

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6 Responses to “Olivia Wilde’s Pescetarian Footprint: Can Paltrow’s Pancakes Reduce It?”

  1. Sports Player Says:

    It’s healthy to eat fish sometimes. And Olivia alone is not responsible for dwindling fish populations!

  2. Chris Says:

    Just saw Olivia on Ellen’s day time show. Olivia is now vegan!

  3. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Olivia Wilde’s Vegan! Pancake Princess On Ellen DeGeneres Says:

    […] had teased Olivia in the past for being “mostly vegetarian” but still eating […]

  4. Marvin Lasco Says:

    Kill a fish and you might as well kill a cow! Behind every pair of eyes, there is someone looking through them

  5. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Vegan Olivia Wild Is Maxim’s #1 On Hot 100 List Says:

    […] had been “mostly vegetarian” with the exception of a plateful of flipper here and there. Then, earlier this year, she made the announcement on Ellen DeGeneres she’d […]

  6. Marvin Lasco Says:

    Don’t embarrass yourself. Kill an ant, kill a whale. Same thing. There is absolutely no difference.