Quantcast Vegetarian StarHenry Rollins Eats Soy Protein, Doubts Others Eat Fallen Caesar Crumbs

Henry Rollins Spoken Word Tour In Dublin

The election countdown has begun. Okay, so maybe, depending on how fanatical you are, you may have been counting weeks ago, but with less than a week remaining until a new Pres is named to take the helm in D.C., everybody’s getting their 2 cents in, including celebrities, during these last days.

Henry Rollins, who’s resume includes singer and songwriter, stand-up comedian, spoken word master, book author, band founder, and publisher put more than a few cents in to Time Out Mag on his political views, including the Republican “wealth trickles down,” theory:

“[Republicans]They like big business, they believe in the trickle-down theory, that we are supposedly going to eat the crumbs that fall from Caesar’s mouth at the big feast. I would argue that they have very good crumb catchers to make sure you get less and less. And so, I think the good sense falls with the Democrats.”

Instead of feasting on crumbs, Rollins stay healthy by juicing and eating a lot of soy protein. “I don’t eat red meat. I don’t eat pork, lamb or chicken,” he said.

Read the rest of Rollins’ interview with Time Out.

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One Response to “Henry Rollins Eats Soy Protein, Doubts Others Eat Fallen Caesar Crumbs”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Vegan Moby Plays Secretary Of Steak In Vampire Film “Suck” Says:

    […] notables include meat shunning Henry Rollins, who plays a radio host, Dimitri Coats of the indie band Burning Brides as the vampire, Iggy Pop as […]