Quantcast Vegetarian StarVictoria Beckham Grape Munching, Still Needs Cooking Lessons

Rumors have been circulating the web lately that Victoria Beckham, wife of David Beckham, is trying to get pregnant. After hearing her describe her new obsession with grapes, you might wonder if it is part of a special diet to help her conceive. But she’s not attempting child #4 with hubby yet-she just really likes her grapes.

“I just can’t put them down,” she said. “I’m not pregnant, and I’m not trying to get pregnant at the moment,” she said in the November edition of U.K. Glamour.

Yeah! Score one for celebrity veg eating. However…She still needs cooking lessons. If we could only get her to make something other than mince meat, lasagna with meat, and spaghetti Bolognese.

But at least she’s not eating those bangers she wants at her restaurant.

via People
Photo: OoHysteriaoO on Flickr

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