Quantcast Vegetarian StarChrissie Hynde Served Veggie Burgers To Cops

Chrissie Hynde Served Veggie Burgers To Cops

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 6th, 2008 in Female Musicians, Female Singers.

Image: Hello ChateauHo on Flickr

Those who dream big will often have naysayers. Even if you’re an accomplished multi-album producing rock star. Such was the case with Chrissie Hynde when she threw up the idea of a vegan restaurant in the heart of the midwest.

“There wasn’t one vegetarian restaurant in Akron, so I said, ‘I’ll do it,’ and it’s just been a phenomenon,” she said.

“Everybody told me, ‘Don’t do it, it will not work. But I had to do it anyway, because I had to have somewhere I could eat.”

Although she lives in the UK, she frequently stops by Ohio to check up on her chefs, visit family, and of course, get her hands involved with serving customers. At her restaurant, The Vegiterranean’s opening, she even personally served veggie burgers to police officers.

Yeah Chrissie! That sure beats the stereotyped cop fare of donuts and 7-Eleven snack food.

via NY Times

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One Response to “Chrissie Hynde Served Veggie Burgers To Cops”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Who Would You: Joan Jett Or Chrissie Hynde Says:

    […] Chrissie has an advantage, since she can have her chefs whip up something gourmet and vegan at her restaurant and all. So who would […]