Quantcast Vegetarian StarShould Ben Lee Be De-Throned?

Should Ben Lee Be De-Throned?

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 22nd, 2008 in Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Ben Lee Plays Max Sessions Concert

Australian singer-songwriter Ben Lee was voted one of the World’s Sexiest Vegetarians earlier this year, but a technicality could call for a recount.

A recount? He’s in Australia, not Florida! But maybe there is a good reason for this. It seems that even though the “Catch My Disease” singer hasn’t eaten red meat in about a decade, he still eats fish. World’s Sexiest Pescatarian?

“I’m not sure I’m technically a vegetarian,” he said in an interview with the Sunday Mail.
“I mean, I was totally vegetarian for 10 years and I don’t eat red meat and I try to limit my consumption of animal products, but I don’t know if I technically qualify. I eat fish.”

“I don’t know if they’re (PETA) really judging by sexiness or just by the fact you are roughly, vaguely a vegetarian.”

Hmm…What do you guys think? Are we talking about complete vegetarians or are the occasional fish eaters sexy enough for PETA?

via News.com

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4 Responses to “Should Ben Lee Be De-Throned?”

  1. VeggieTart Says:

    Sorry, dude, but you don’t qualify at all, as you aren’t a vegetarian. Fish is not vegetarian, as it is the flesh of a dead animal. It may be enough for PETA, but it isn’t enough for me.

  2. PurpleZoe Says:

    I concur with VeggieTart.

  3. ant1ph0n Says:

    the earth is a carnivore, i did the vegan/vegetarian thing for a couple of years. in the end, we all fucking die. i can safely say, i eat meat because i love the taste, after not eating it for a long while. kudos for his self control.

  4. Trolly McTrollster Says:

    VeggieTart, please turn in your membership card. You use “dead” as a qualifier. So, if he ate a live fish, he’d be okay? Also, a fish is not an animal, dumbass.