Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Urged To Save The Poor Cows

Paul McCartney Urged To Save The Poor Cows

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 17th, 2008 in Chefs, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

adidas By Stella McCartney - LFW Spring Summer 2008 - Runway

Paul McCartney is being urged to save the cows by encouraging people to vote for a “Poor Cow” motion that will introduce ethical standards for cow rearing and dairy production.

The UK Vegetarian Society, which Paul is a patron of, currently has no standards for rearing cows and the dairy produced that is Vegetarian Society trademark approved. Because of this, some feel this means the society could be approving dairy products from cows that are kept in unhealthy conditions, not allowed to graze, and are fed genetically modified grain.

The Society is also being accused by some of having lower standards than groups such as UK organic Soil Association, The RSPCA Freedom Foods scheme, and Gordon Ramsay.

Yes, Gordon Ramsay has just scored another point in the ongoing meatoff between him and McCartney. It seems even the foul mouthed chef who suggested electrocuting vegetarians insists on animal welfare standards, only buying meat for his restaurants that are “ethically bread.”

“We have traceability across the board, where we have a certification of whether it’s organic beef, or whether it’s a hand-picked scallop or a line-caught sea bass,” he said in an interview.

Sources say the trustees of the society have told their members to vote against the motion because they feel doing so will cause membership to decline. Still, others want Paul to use his influence to vote for a minimum standard much like he has used his clout in the past to ban GM ingredients in certain foods.

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