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Shamita Singha Never Uses Animal Tested Products

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 16th, 2008 in Bollywood, Models, TV Hosts.

Shamita Singha is probably best known for being Miss India Earth 2001, but she didn’t rest on her laurels.

The model and professional wine-trainer is currently anchoring the show “Maximum Style” on Bollywood’s Zoom Television. She’s been active with PETA, and if you’re interested in reading her interview with the group, go here. “I have been an animal-welfare activist since school,” she told The Deccan Herald. “I never use animal-tested products.”

Although naturally beautiful, she still considers herself a fitness fanatic, eating lots of fresh produce and staying away from what she calls, “junk.”

She’s undecided about whether or not she wants to become the next Bollywood babe actress, but she’s open to the idea. Women will love her for her advice: She recommends dressing comfortably as long as you’re not sloppy and eating right and exercising while remembering that not everyone is supposed to be a size 0. If you’re interested in learning what else Singha is doing these days, read this story.

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One Response to “Shamita Singha Never Uses Animal Tested Products”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Shamita Singha Likes It Spicy And Meatless Says:

    […] India Earth 2001, Zoom VJ, and model Shamita Singha is causing quite a fire with her new ad for PETA. She’s lying in a bed of red chili peppers […]