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Meatless Mouthful: Persia White Ecstatic About Prop 2

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Meatless Mouthful.

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“Yes, Yes, Yes for Prop 2 for every reason. It’s good for the animals, the planet, your heart, the environment – it’s so important. It’s sets a precedent that’s brand new, which is just that we’re gonna change a system that been in place for a long time, that’s so suppressive and so hidden, just because we think it’s wrong…and that’s beautiful! That’s like a shift in human consciousness. And everyone can be a part of it.”

—-Persia White, in an interview with Ecorazzi. Prop 2 is a California ballot measure that would prohibit some farm animals from being confined so that they cannot move around freely.

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