Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul Vasquez

Paul Vasquez, otherwise known as the “Double Rainbow” guy in the Microsoft Windows Live Photo Gallery commercial told Fast Company he’s currently working with an agent to star in a TV film pilot about his life living in the wilderness.

Vasquez, who further complicates the aliases after saying he likes to be called “bear,” said the pilot will highlight his life in martial arts, vegan eating, losing weight, building his home using alternative materials, using alternative energy, and organic farming.

Interestingly, Vasquez says he’s been living on about $5,000 a year for the past few years. He hasn’t made big bucks off the Live Photo Gallery commercial yet. Guess  you can say he’s still waiting for the pot of gold at the end of the double rainbow. If he’s eaten vegan during all these years, it would be great to have him demonstrate cheap, natural animal-free eating on the pilot as more questions burn the mind on how he survives.

Does he grow his own? Follow the guide for How To Eat Vegan On The Cheap Religiously?

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