Quantcast Vegetarian StarOmar Rodriguez-Lopez

Should More Vegs Adopt The Mars Volta Straight Edge Lifestyle?

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, July 10th, 2009 in Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Christopher Friese on Wikimedia Commons

Christopher Friese on Wikimedia Commons

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez of The Mars Volta used to be a hard core partyer like the rest of his bandmates.

Then, when one ex member, Jeremy Ward, died of an overdose of drugs in 2003, Omar and the rest of Mars Volta were scared into straight edge vegans who won’t even drink coffee.

Now, you don’t have to be a coffee abstainer to be a vegan or a vegetarian. You can still have your beer.

But could the vegetarian and vegan community benefit its  members from promoting a substance free lifestyle that uses even legal substances sparingly?

The late River Phoenix was known as a hippie, easy go lucky vegan. But behind his clean diet was a drug habit that led to his death.

There is speculation that the late King of Pop Michael Jackson allegedly had problems with narcotics and prescription drugs, and that may have contributed to his death.

Vegans may be stereotyped as pot smoking people, but is it time for that to change? Should the abstinence of drugs and alcohol and the avoidance of heavy medications even if they are legal be pushed as much as not buying leather?

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Omar Rodriguez-Lopez of The Mars Volta was a strict vegan for awhile. Lately, he thinks his body is telling him to do some egg every now and then. From an interview with The Dwarf.

D: What have you been eating lately?

O: Eating!? Oh yeah let’s talk, I’ll talk about that! Lately I’ve been also incorporating more things into my diet. It’s been nice to taste new foods and stuff.

D: Because you were pretty strict for a while, right?

O: Yeah very strict, very regimented. I mean, I still don’t eat sugar or caffeine or anything like that. For a while there, I was just eating ‘no processed foods’ so nothing that wasn’t natural. If I could look at it and couldn’t define every ingredient that was in it, I just didn’t want to put it in my body. But lately I’ve been eating eggs for protein and stuff. And it’s been strange for me, you know, psychologically (laughs while talking) or mentally, as lame as that sounds. Ha, but my body really loves it and so I have to listen to my body because it knows more than me.

D: So are you finding a lot more energy…?

O:Well, yeah that’s what happened is that my body was telling me things, and it was falling apart, and it was giving up on me, and then so it interfered on me being able to work and me being able to express myself correctly. And so I talked to a nutritionalist[sic], and you know I’ve always fought against the idea you need animal protein and all that blah blah, and I fought that for fifteen years. But at the end of the day I also didn’t take care of myself and I didn’t take supplements because I didn’t want to take pills, blah blah blah. At some point you make some sort of a decision of what’s more important. And so I thought of it, he said, “think of it as you’re taking medicine. You’re sick, and you need medicine. So take it for a while and see what happens.” And so I made the egg, I cooked it and I felt bad for this little chicken, that I took her egg, and I ate it and then my body wanted more! It just said “Gimme more of that, I like that!”

Read the rest of Omar’s chat with The Dwarf.

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