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Livia Stone–The First Lady Of Twitter–Biz’s Vegan Better Half

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, May 5th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

Livia Stone

Livia Stone

Livia Stone is the First Lady of Twitter.

That’s right, she’s married to Biz Stone, co-founder of telling it like it is in 140 characters or less.

Like Biz, Livia shuns meat and is also an animal activist.

Vegansaurus got a chance to talk with her to find out how this 10 year vegan got involved with the vegetarian/animal rights scene.

Why she went VEG:
“Initially I went veg because I realized I didn’t need to kill or exploit animals to live, but as I learned more—especially about the environmental impact of animal agriculture—I can’t believe anyone who is interested in going “green” doesn’t give up or at least reduce the amount of animal products they consume.”

And that picture of the cheesy lasagna that made us thing Biz wasn’t really vegan? Completely dairy free!
“Since I’ve discovered Daiya cheese I’ve been making a mean mac ‘n cheese casserole but generally I’m big on making soups from scratch, especially heirloom tomato soup. For bakesales, just about anything from my cupcake cookbook. The carrot cupcake with cream cheese frosting recipe is amazing!”

Read the entire interview at Vegansaurus.

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