Quantcast Vegetarian StarLaura Linney

Laura Linney

Laura Linney had the privilege of working with vegan actress Alicia Silverstone during the run of the play Time Stands Still. The old saying that a vegan rubs off on everyone must be true, because Linney revealed in the August 2010 print edition of Prevention magazine that Silverstone and her vegan cookbook, The Kind Diet, have changed her eating patterns.

“I love Alicia – she had an enormous influence on me. I burst with pride over her book [The Kind Diet]. And she said, “You don’t have to be one thing or the other, just figure out what’s best for you.” I had been so rigid in my thinking about if I was going to be a vegetarian, if I was going to be a vegan. I don’t have to put that pressure on myself. I”m just trying to learn what the best diet is for me.”


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