Quantcast Vegetarian StarJeremy Piven (2)

Jeremy Piven’s Fishy Vegetarian Ways Led To Mercury Poison

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, January 15th, 2009 in Actors, Not So Vegetarian.

The 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards - ET Red Carpet Arrivals

If Jeremy Piven had been following Morrissey’s Sea Food Is Sea Life philosophy, he might not be in this predicament.

The Entourage actor was forced to go on sick leave from the Broadway production Speed The Plow last month because he had been diagnosed with mercury poisoning.

Doctors found elevated-as much as five times the amount of a normal person-levels of the element in his blood. Mercury poison is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can cause heart and kidney failure, cognitive problems, and even death.

So does Jeremy have a secret thermometer munching vice? No, he just eats too much fish, which often contains levels of Mercury that could cause problems if eaten too often.

Turns out, Mr. Piven eats a hell of a lot of fish cause he’s a pescetarian-or fish eating vegetarian. Who would’ve thought!

According to Fox News, Piven said that, “years of being a fish eating vegetarian was enough to do the trick and act as a catalyst.”

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