What Men Really Think Of Naked PETA Ladies In Lettuce
Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, July 18th, 2009 in Models, Videos.
The video above shows some scenes from Capitol Hill on National Veggie Dog Day, when PETA rounded up playmates Jayde Nicole and Jo Garcia to serve veggie hotdogs dressed in the same material used for fixings.
The idea is to create sex appeal and get your attention in hopes of turning you on (pun intended) to the veg lifestyle. But how effective is it?
Tony Pierce weighs in on PETA’s campaigns at latimesblogs.latimes.com. His response? Sure, they’re hot, but does being nude with veggie wieners convey any factual information?
“Here’s what PETA should realize: Men can change their ways, and yes, women could be the impetus that could lead us toward healthier diet, which in turn could also lead to a better world. But attractive, mostly naked women, in public places, doing weird and wild things, are feeding into male fantasies, as opposed to repulsing our animalistic impulses.”
He then highlights a similar campaign using nude women in an outdoor shower, with a banner that reads, “Wash Your Conscience-Go Vegetarian.”
“The German women to the right have an approach that I can get behind. Although this banner says “Wash your conscience clean — become vegetarian,” a different sign from the same demonstration in Frankfurt this week claimed that it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce a pound of ground beef. While studies vary as to exactly how much water is needed for cattle, a regularly quoted Newsweek line claims that “the water that goes into a 1,000-pound steer would float a destroyer.”
“At the risk of alienating myself from the rest of my bachelor brotherhood, I have to say that this sort of logic actually speaks to me: “Before you order that chili burger from Tommy’s or that steak at Ruth’s Chris, think about what it took to create that delicious dish, and in the case of beef, it took lots and lots and lots of water. Water that could be used for more important things than the red meat that will please your palate but will rot your intestines.”
Looks like men need their brains turned on as much as other parts. Read the rest of Tony’s article.
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