Quantcast Vegetarian StarJim Kerr

Isle of Wight Festival - Day 3

Simple Minds’ Jim Kerr may be excited to start a brand new solo career at the age of 50, but he still feels like crap on an everyday basis.

The former husband of Chrissie Hynde whom he has one daughter with, recently admitted there’s something about his vegan diet that’s not going so well.

“I feel like sh*t,” he told the Times Online. “Don’t be fooled by appearances. I’ve been vegetarian since the night I met Chrissie Hynde but I was still eating fish. So at Christmas I gave up fish, I gave up dairy, I gave up coffee and now I feel like crap.”

Could Jim have benefited from picking up a copy of Living Vegan for Dummies?

The book serves as an all in one guide for starting the lifestyle, from recipes to pantry stocking to fake meats.

It even comes with a convenient cheat sheet for speaking the vegan language.


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