Quantcast Vegetarian StarJaimie King Creates Vegan-Friendly Makeup Alchemy From ColourPop


Actress Jaime King, known for her roles in Pearl Harbor and Sin City, has collaborated with ColourPop Cosmetics to create a line of vegan-friendly makeup.

The brand, Alchemy, is touted as travel-friendly in addition to being free from animal ingredients.

The 12-piece kit consists of two highlighters, three eyeshadows, two lip colors with matching lip liners, two sculpting sticks and a blush. Colors schemes range from neutral to bronze and include classic red lipstick.

King created the line with the idea of helping people with a variety of beauty features find the right combination for their needs and style.

“We created this line because I saw a gap in the “beauty” market. I was tired of seeing very few care about what beauty means for women,” King wrote in a caption for a photo featuring the selection. “For some, that means no makeup, for others, they cannot afford it, nor do companies actually consider the color of their skin and that it’s not only unfair but radically gross that most do not create something that makes all women and men feel beautiful.”

Alchemy debuted this month and is priced at roughly $30.

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