Quantcast Vegetarian StarStella McCartney Ends Sourcing From Unethical Wool Supplier

Stella McCartney Ends Sourcing From Unethical Wool Supplier

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 14th, 2015 in Animal Issues, Fashion.

One of the arguments of veganism is that products with claims to be “ethical” or “humane” aren’t always what they advertise.

Such was the case of a wool farm that Stella McCartney used for her clothing line.

After learning about mistreatment of the animals, the vegetarian fashion designer has severed ties with the producer.

“I am very saddened to report that we have had to cease sourcing some of our sustainable wool from Ovis 21 in Patagonia,” Stella wrote in an Instagram post.  “It was born as an amazing initiative to help protect a million acres of endangered grasslands in Patagonia whilst looking after the welfare of animals. Unfortunately, after conducting our own investigation in Argentina, following a very distressful viewing of footage provided by the great guys at @officialpeta, we found out that 1 of the 26 ranches we used source sustainable wool there, mistreated its sheep. It is one too many.”

The positive spin to this news is that Stella is considering implementing vegan wool into her fashions.

It would be manufactured with standards similar to her vegan fur and leathers.

Photo: PR Photos

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