Quantcast Vegetarian StarZahia Dehar And Bryan Adams Collaborate For PETA Pro-Vegetarian Ad

Zahia Dehar PETA

When one vegetarian captures another on camera, it’s something beautiful.

Such is the example in a new pro-vegetarian ad featuring Zahia Dehar sectioned and marked like the animals that go to market.

Singer, musician and vegetarian Bryan Adams is behind the photography of this provocative piece.

The ad reminds everyone that most mammals have similar regions on their bodies that can be labeled just as the animals eaten by people.

“Humans allow themselves not just to kill animals but also to kill them in more and more atrocious ways. And all of this just for their own pleasure, for their personal satisfaction …,” says Zahia. “This has always disgusted me, because I’ve always been on the animals’ side. So if, like me, you don’t want animals to be abused, tortured or killed, please follow my example and switch to vegetarian meals.”

There’s no denying the lingerie designer looks delicious.

But you wouldn’t dream of eating her and likewise, you should think twice before eating the next animal that arrives on your plate.

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