Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllie Goulding Makes Vegan Burger On “Jamie And Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast”

Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast

Jamie Oliver has hosted his share of food shows that combine good cooking with lessons on where your food comes from.

One of his more recent endeavors, Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast, features a diner-like atmosphere where Oliver and Jimmy Doherty invite locals and celebrities over for cooking, food and fun.

When he’s not in the kitchen cooking, he and Jimmy can be found out and about in places where they can teach about food and bring some back to prepare it.

A recent episode featured Ellie Goulding making a vegan burger.

During her visit, Goulding also discussed her obsession with junk food and her “dirty”  (not to mention non-vegetarian) secret  of enjoying animals stuffed by taxidermists hanging on the wall of her place.

Previous celebrities include actress Kate Hudson, who whipped up an Indian dish (not vegetarian).

One of Jamie’s latest lessons was the amount of produce that actually ends up on the supermarket. According to him, roughly 1/5 of fruits and vegetables in the UK go for sale. Farmers pick the best of the crop while the “ugly” ones go to other uses such as animal feed. His challenge for the episode was to promote the ugly fruit for the day at a local supermarket.

Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast airs on Britain’s Channel 4.

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