Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Martha Stewart Quinoa Salad With Toasted Almonds

Martha Stewart is asking fans to remember their vegetarian guests this Thanksgiving.

The author of several cookbooks, including one devoted entirely to vegetarian dishes, Meatless, wrote:

“While stuffing and mashed potatoes are delicious, they shouldn’t be expected to take the place of an entree for vegetarians. Consider adding a main dish featuring a seasonal vegetable, such as stuffed acorn squash.”

Stewart’s recipe for Quinoa Salad with Toasted Almonds is one example of a meatless dish that can be served as the main entree or a side.

The seed, which resembles and is commonly mistaken for a grain, is rich with protein.

It’s a great way to introduce a meat eater to a vegan dish and to satisfy longtime vegetarians.

If you weren’t already aware, Stewart is also a big supporter of animals and has included a few suggestions to make the holidays safer for your four-legged family members this year.

She suggests looking for pet-friendly versions of ice-melting substances and buying a pair of booties for Fido to protect his paws from the cold and chemicals outside this season.

Get other ideas for holiday planning here and grab the recipe for Quinoa Salad with Toasted Almonds at Martha Stewart.

Photo: PR Photos

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