Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone To Humane Society On “Kind Mama” And Next Cookbook

Alicia Silverstone "The Kind Mama"

It’s hard to believe that Alicia Silverstone is already working on her third cookbook!

The actress spoke with the Humane Society about her most recent work, The Kind Mama, a collection of advice, recipes and support stories for mothers and mothers-to-be who want a plant-based baby from day one in utero.

Alicia’s next book will contain more delicious recipes like the ones from Kind Mama and her debut book, The Kind Diet.

She gave the HSUS a preview of what’s to come as well as her inspiration for penning Kind Mama.

“I saw some women in my life having the most blissful experiences with pregnancy, birth and motherhood,” she said. “My goal was to provide women with a guide to have that blissful experience and to show families that they can set their children up to be a generation of healthy, happy and compassionate individuals.”

“I’m working on my next book, The Kind Diet Cookbook.  As an actress, I am always on the lookout for interesting roles, but my most important role is the one I play within my family.”

Read the entire interview at the Humane Society of the United States.

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