Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Pumpkin Bread Pudding With Orlando Jones (Video)

Orlando Jones spent some time with Healthy Voyager blogger Carolyn Scott-Hamilton to create a very special vegan Halloween treat!

The two made vegan pumpkin bread pudding with toffee sauce in a kitchen setting that completed the spooky holiday theme with skeletal tongs.

Carolyn and the star of Sleep Hollow have a great 10 minute demonstration of how to do everything in the recipe, from making your own crumbs using day old bread to making the vegan cream made of tofu and soy milk.

Halloween is a fun day for children who like to dress up and eat candy, but adults can enjoy the day as well.

Grown men, don’t be afraid.

Even Orlando understands that skeletal tongs are not just cool for a 12-year old.

Learn what’s happening on Sleepy Hollow and get the list of ingredients to the vegan pumpkin toffee bread pudding at the Healthy Voyager’s YouTube page.

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