Quantcast Vegetarian StarZoe Saldana Talks Former Vegetarian Ways Over Ribs With Craig Fergson

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana showcased her pregnant glow on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson.

Some may not know the Guardians of the Galaxy actress was a vegetarian in the past.

Ironically, the star shared this information over a plate of ribs!

“For one season, I lost the taste of meat. So I was just having, like, lentils and quinoa. But then there was a bad night where I had a little too much to drink and I ended up at In-N-Out,” Saldana said.

Ferguson said he was considering a vegetarian diet but added foods like ribs made the act difficult.

While the star who says she has never considered herself a “salad person” has traded plant protein for animals,  there’s no reason why any vegetarian or vegan woman can’t indulge during pregnancy. There are several brands of juicy, meat-like faux ribs on the market as well as recipes for ones you can make yourself!

Photo: Richard Sandoval/Creative Commons

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