Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Amanda Cohen Spinach Fettucine W/ Tangy Grilled Summer Squash

When Amanda Cohen first opened her vegetable restaurant in NYC, Dirt Candy, she took some criticism from a few vegans for her comments about the purpose of vegetarian food and the people who consume it.

A few years later, the restaurant is a hit and Cohen has proved she can whip up a vegan dish that silences the critics — mainly because they’re too busy eating.

Cohen’s Spinach Fettucine with Tangy Summer Squash is regular favorite at Dirt Candy.

The squash is first pickled, then grilled and tossed with noodles and fresh herbs and spices.

Food & Wine has a kind reminder at the end of the recipe to double check if the drink you choose to wash down the summer salad is vegan. It recommends an animal-free version of a white ale to complement flavors of the squash.

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